Storm Drain Markers

H2O Hero storm drain marker above storm drain in Rochester, NY.

Many residents do not know that the stormwater system in their neighborhood discharges stormwater runoff directly to the nearest stream or waterway. This stormwater is not treated at a wastewater treatment plant. Unfortunately, because of this lack of awareness, the improper disposal of materials such as unwanted paint, pet waste, and household chemicals into the storm drain is a widespread problem. In many neighborhoods, the stormwater system discharges to small streams which are especially vulnerable to pollution due to their relatively small size and volume of water.


Thank you for volunteering to protect our local waterways by marking storm drains. The purpose of the H2O Hero markers is to educate the community about stormwater pollution and to discourage illegal dumping in the storm drain. If you see anything suspicious in the drain, contact us or your local municipality immediately. The instructions below will help ensure that your project is a success. Please follow the safety guidelines and avoid roads with heavy traffic when selecting a location. It is important to choose a day with temperatures above 50 degrees, and no rain in the forecast so that the marker adhesive can set properly. The pictures below will help you select good locations for your markers to ensure they have a long life.

Safety Tips:

  • Always wear a safety vest.

  • Always have one person looking out for traffic.

  • For children, adult supervision is required. 

  • If adhesive gets on hands, wash with soap and water.

Materials Needed: 

  • Safety Vests

  • Pen

  • Clipboard

  • Data Card

  • Disposable gloves 

  • Whisk Broom 

  • Storm Drain Markers 

  • DAS Curb Marker Adhesive #RS-222-5 

  • Educational door hangers


  1. Order your free markers from H2O Hero

  2. Chose an appropriate location for your marker. Your marker should be flush with the curb. It should not be placed in the street or on the grate since they are easily removed by snowplows. The marker should also not overhang the curb or be placed on large cracks. Remember, the curb should be flat, warm, and dry.

  3. Note the storm drain location on the datasheet. Clean off the surface completely with a whisk broom. Also, if applicable, clean up any trash or debris on or around the drain. The surface must be clean and dry for adhesion to work properly.

  4. Apply adhesive to back of the marker. Start at #1 and follow the numbers in a spiral motion, ending in the middle of the marker. A large amount is not necessary, a small even amount is all you need.

  5. Place the marker on the flat, clean surface. Push down hard with a twisting motion forcing adhesive out around the edge. Make sure there is approximately 1/8” of visible adhesive around the edge to seal the marker to the ground. Clean up after yourself. Move onto the next drain and repeat.

  6. Place educational door hangers on homes closest to the drains that were marked. This tells the neighborhood what the markers are and why they are important.